A Look into Lights Academy: Project By Sophia Garcia

Sophia Garcia, Lights Featured Writer


Lights Academy Project by Sophia Garcia 

One of my first projects in Lights Academy was about captivating students to read the Bible! I researched this wanting to spread the Gospel to more and more teenagers. I wanted to figure out why teens are falling away from their faith, and how we can encourage them to jump back in, in this case, by studying the Bible. I interviewed 5 people that I thought would bring more insight to this discussion: A youth pastor, an atheist and Christian teen in a public high school, and an atheist and teen in a private, Christian school. The responses to each of the questions I asked varied, but still brought up interesting viewpoints from all sides of this topic. What I found was that the atheists wouldn’t be opposed to learning more about the Bible, and would consider reading it if their friends brought it up. Through the research that I did, it came to my attention that we should each be encouraging others to dive into the Word. When your friends mention something, it can spark interest in you or others as well! There are many resources to help further you in your faith, as well as to reach out to those who are struggling in theirs. Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends who may seem like they’re falling back, or are searching for hope. With this, you should be open to hearing other people’s opinions as well, and build off of that knowledge to help you in your faith. To stay in the Word you need: discipline, repetition, consistency, and accountability. Without these it will be a very hard mountain to climb. The Word produces endurance, strength, love, and immense joy; which in my opinion, I think is a pretty good reward.

Want to learn more? Click this link to view Sophia’s entire project: https://captivatethebible.weebly.com/

Want to see other projects by Sophia? Click to link to view her portfolio: https://sophias-ideas.weebly.com/projects.html